Recent Page Auto Refresh reviews : Page 32

  • 14.10.2020

    ótima extensão faz exatamente o que se propõe a fazer sem abuso de permissões exigidas como todos os outros.

  • 13.3.2020

    Un estensione davvero incredibile! Quello che cercavo. Funziona veramente. Ricarica effettivamente la pagina e/o sito web dopo il tempo prescelto per il determinato sito tramite le impostazioni del pulsante di questa estensione nella barra delle estensioni. E la fantastica? Rimane acceso ma soprattutto impostato anche dopo il riavvio del dispositivo. Grazie.

  • 10.3.2020

    Richtig gut, bei AutoRefresh werden ja alle Seiten aktuallisiert, mit PageRefresh kann man dann tatsächlich nur eine Seite erneuern lassen. Danke gut gemacht und auch ohne Werbung

  • 11.2.2020

    非常好用,提一点建议,希望能有setting模板保存功能,比如设定好setting里面的各个选项,保存好后在第二个页面,直接应用之前的setting设置,这样可以帮助节省非常多重新设置的时间。 比如我的使用场景:同时有将近40个网页需要刷新监控,每天早上,我需要花费大量时间,给这40多个网页分别进行设置,如果有setting save功能,可以节省大量时间。

  • 14.1.2020

    Very useful extension ;) There are a couple websites I use that require me to be at my computer while programing but with this nifty extension I can go and make a cup of tea and some toast without worrying about the dreaded afk idle timers and (Are you still there) popping up! Thank you very much.

  • 4.12.2019

    Latest update has really changed you it works, much, much better. Very useful for keeping sessions alive when developing sites.

  • 2.8.2019

    Fantastic, works perfectly and you’ll notice that all of the options higher than this one in the Chrome store permissions ask to read all data!! This extension only requires website history so thank you developers.

  • 28.3.2018

    It’s awesome. I love the chrome extension. I can use it for my selected site and page. Thank you, the awesome extension developer.

  • 14.7.2017

    Bitoin sitelerinde oluyo bitminerda oluyo şimdi bu yorum kalsın şimdi yazcam yok gençler tek bitminer

  • 17.5.2017

    Hands down, the most useful Auto Refresher ever. I used the free version for a little while, and it worked fine. Then I had a need for the features that come with the paid version, and it has definitely been worth it. Also, the support is very responsive.